Our mission is to enhance worship through visual and audible presentation of God's gifts. The Worship and Music leadership team works closely with the staff. At every service there are opportunities to participate as a worship leader. These contributions are celebrated and you are wecome to join! Opportunities to participate include:
Welcome Center: Attend the Welcome Center before and after services, welcome visitors and encourage them to sign the visitors' book, and assist with keeping coffee urns and refreshment trays filled.
Communion Assistant: Serve communion (Sundays and special services)
Greeter: Greet and welcome people to St. Philip's
Lector: Read the predetermined lesson(s) and liturgy
Usher: Greet people, hand out bulletins, collect the offering, direct Communicants, clean up after worship, and assist worship coordinators with counting if requested
Technological: Run media computer, sound and light systems, set up/take down AV equipment
Worship Coordinator: Unlock doors, ensure the sanctuary is ready for service, make coffee, see that all worship leaders are present and recruit as needed, count attendance, secure offering for counters, clean up coffee at the end, secure the building before leaving, and assist with any unforeseen events that may occur.
Training and written instructions are provided.